Cross-Site Content (Data) Hijacking PoC
This page has been loaded from "%domain%".
Object File:

Three files have been created for this project: ContentHijacking.swf, and ContentHijacking.xap, ContentHijacking.pdf, ContentHijacking.html - Read the help for more information especially about renaming the extension part. A Flash file which is vulnerable to CVE-2011-2461 can also be used.

deafult: ./object/

Flash is the best possible option. PDF only works with Adobe Reader in IE. Silverlight does not work well when the target is set to another domain.

Target Page:

Page that you want to read its content and it contains sensitive contents.

POST Data:

POST method in reading content request will be used when this field is not empty.

Log Mode:

Different type of logging.

Show RegEx:

Only extracted data using the provided Regular Expression is logged when this field is not empty.

The object will be loaded below for debugging purposes...